Eutrochium maculatum - Joe-Pye-weed


Eutrochium maculatum (commonly known as Joe-Pye weed) is a striking perennial that attracts pollinators and thrives in part shade with some sun exposure. Known for its tall growth, reaching up to 6 feet under favorable conditions, this native plant self-seeds and spreads, forming impressive colonies.

Joe-Pye weed blooms in late summer and early autumn, producing clusters of pink to purplish flowers. These blossoms are a continuous source of nectar, offering a rich food supply for pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and other beneficial insects throughout the growing season.

By planting Eutrochium maculatum and other true native species, you contribute to preserving native habitats, enhancing biodiversity, and supporting the survival of essential pollinators. This is a beautiful and practical choice for anyone looking to create a sustainable and vibrant garden that supports local ecosystems.

Nectar Plant for: Mourning Cloak Butterfly, Orange Sulphur Butterfly, Eastern Tailed Blue Butterfly and many more.

approximately 120 seeds